Simple way to keep track of your daily sales.

Available on App Store & Play Store
Daily Sales Record


To make your sales smooth, we have included the features below to our app

  • Customers
    Keep all your customers and their contact information in one place and access it from any device you like.
  • Products
    It's so simple to keep your products & inventory up to date by a few touches. Get notified on low inventory.
  • Invoices
    Create invoices for your sales and send them to your customers easily. Any non-tech sales man can use them without any technical knowledge.
  • Reports
    Generate report of your daily, weekly, monthly sales or as you’d like to observe the progress of your sales. Export it in PDF, Text, or Excel.
Daily Sales Record Features


Entrepreneurs & Start-ups trust our app and use it on daily basis to track their sales.

Daily Sales Record Add Product
Daily Sales Record Invoice Creation


Daily Sales Record App is aimed to cut the bells and whistles and kept it simple to the point




Manage your customers in this section. You can add image, contact information of your customers. This is the first step you need to complete.


Here you will perform your daily sales. Choose your customer and product you have sold with price in this section.


Check your previous sales by date. You won't lose any of your sales data.

Daily Sales Record How Works




You will manage your products and inventory in this section. Add here all your customers first and then products. There is no limit of products.


View or Generate reports in either text, pdf, or excel. Also view it as Bar Chart, Pie Chart, etc.


Manage your salesmen/representatives and let them sell your products. This is a great feature if you have more than one shop or outlets.

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We ensure quality & support. People love us & we love them. What our users are saying about the app.

Joe Montaigne

I have a small business and was looking for a simple app to manage my customers and sales. Perfect for my needs.


Very straight-forward. I've been looking for a simple POS system and I find it perfect for me since I can change the currency setting. I just wanted something that can track my daily sales which is kind of semi-automatic but for me it's perfect. KUDOS to the creator of this app thanks much! 👍👏✌️

Jake Ruston

This app is very easy to use - you can add all of the products in a couple of minutes, then you can manage the finances for them. Well designed too.


Let drop a line to us & we will be in touch soon

Daily Sales Record